
Are the turkey legs at Disney World actually turkey?

by  |  earlier

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no doubt they're delicious, but they seem a little fatty and taste almost too good to actually be turkey. someone I passed in the park with the snack in my hand mentioned the smell of ham, and that actually made a bit of sense.




  1. OC is correct. the smoking process is a long process where meat is cooked at a low temperature with lots of smoke and for a long time. since there is no high heat, a lot of the fat does not melt off like when you cook a turkey in an oven. since smoking is probably one of the most popular ways to prepare a ham, that is why people believe that it taste like ham or reminds them of ham.

  2. oh my god. those smell so bad. i almost threw up every time someone was around me with one of those things. they look super unhealthy. can't believe people would like those.  

  3. That **** made my boyfriend sick the next day! Both ends too... Not a good idea!

  4. Yes they are really Turkey legs.  However, the smoking process is almost identical to how they process Hams.  So even though they are Turkey the thoughts of Ham is very common.  

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