
Are the tv cameras on the moon still operational?

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Are the tv cameras on the moon still operational?




  1. The rover-powered cameras operated for a short time after the astronauts left.  Mission Control operated them by remote for a while, and it's not hard to get the footage.  But it's about as exciting as film of the stadium after the game's over.

    The rovers had several hours of battery life remaining and could have operated the cameras for that time, but the ground equipment used to receive and process the signals was expensive to operate.  The Earth portion of the network was pretty complex, involving steps to enhance and clean up the image in real time and to synchronize it with TV network time bases, as well as the high-bandwidth global connections.  Much of that equipment was rented from its private owners and understandably returned to private service when there was no more interesting stuff to do with the camera.

  2. No.

  3. no! because its old and it was made since the day the first man go to moon!

  4. No. The cameras from the first three missions were powered by the LM itself and stopped working immediately on liftoff, while the other three were powered from the batteries on the lunar rover, whch are long since dead.

    [Edited to add]Incidentally, Mahi, I reported your copy and paste of my answer.

  5. No. The cameras from the first three missions were powered by the LM itself and stopped working immediately on liftoff, while the other three were powered from the batteries on the lunar rover, whch are long since dead.

  6. No, none of them are. The camera filming the takeoff of the landing module from the moon was connected to the lunar module, and when the lunar module disconnected, the camer went dead.

    Other cameras were battery powered. It only gave them the life span of several hours. Its because of this that solar power has been the primary power source for rovers and landers... Huygens excluded.

  7. I couldn't find the answer on the net but it looks like none of the pictures taken were recent. I did however come across an excellent site for you to check out pics of the moon and solar system.  

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