
Are the u.f.o. really exist?is there is an proof which you have came across then please tell me.?

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actually,i have a lot of interest in the topics rellated to space(such as aliens).if any of you know about such a news please,please........... tell me.





  2. Hey, 200,000 stammering homeless guys in tin foil hats can't ALL be wrong...right?

    And hey what about Shirley McClain? She seems to have it all going on for herself. No nuttiness there.

    Hitler knew about them too. You can't debate the Fuhrer!

    Getting the hint yet? No I don't believe in that sort of thing. Although the subject does make for some interesting movies...thanks Hollywierd.

  3. I solve all my problems by putting my friends in blocks of cement

    I think you should to

  4. I believe that it would be rather ignorant to believe that we are the only "intelligent" life out there.  There are places in the universe that are billions of years older than our own solar system.  As for proof, do the research for yourself, you have the net.  The internet is good for more than just p**n, lol.

       But seriously, try reading about the ancient Sumerians.  Their civilization thrived roughly around 6000BC, and yet, somehow they knew about bioengineering.  

        Look it up, the answers are out there.

  5. Are you sure you have interest in topics related to "space" and not "science fiction"?  I will tell you the truth: there is no proof that aliens from another planet have ever visited earth.  There is no news related to UFOs, only new conspiracy theorists.

  6. there has been few UFO landings in our world because people say that they have...

  7. In 1974, when I was in college, the ROTC of the state university I took my bachelor's degree at went on a bivuoac and my platoon saw an oval object across the lake we were camping beside.

    The object appeared above the treetops at dusk. It was an oval of light that was pulsating so it would brighten and dim. As it brightened and dimmed, it seemed to grow bigger as it brightened and grow smaller as it dimmed. At its brightest there would be a short beam of light shining upward from the top of the object. The orb, or whatever you'd call it, was bobbing up and down when we first noticed it. It then started zipping left and right, then hovering in place a few times. Finally, it sped away into the sunset.

    We talked about it a bit, but were having war games, so couldn't dwell on it. When we got back to civilization, we didn't make too much of a fuzz about it and soon forgot it--or at least no longer talked about it.

    This occasion was the only time I saw such an object.

    Our platoon belonged to the Battery Company and all of us were in the sciences or taking engineering courses.

    Around the same time, a friend of mine in her senior year in mathematics at the same university would often see an object with a similar description from her window, hovering over the city, in the early evening. The last I heard of her, this friend had become a manager in one of our biggest food companies.

    I don't have any proof of the above, unless you get to ask my lady friend or my co-platoon members to describe what I have and their stories support mine. Unfortunately I only remember a few of their names and don't know any of their whereabouts, losing contact with them within a few years after college. You'll just have to take my story or leave it.

    Whether the object my platoon and I saw and the ones my friend would see were man-made or alien I have no idea. We never had close encounters with the occupants, if these objects indeed had occupants. What I saw does not fit the description of any airplane, helicopter, balloon or other man-made object I know. Two things we agreed upon: we could not identify it, and it was flying.

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