
Are the underage Chinese Olympians that competed be stripped of their medals?

by Guest34484  |  earlier

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Are the underage Chinese Olympians that competed be stripped of their medals?




  1. I agree with what banker said. So the girls might not be underaged but underfed.

    Now it becomes a human right issue….

  2. Well, It depends of IOC allowed anyone under 15 years old compete in olympics.. but in the past the girls as young as 12 years old compete in Olympics too..Anyway, don't use your stupid American Under age law in China cause it won't work..  

  3. No.

    Because everyone is innocent until proven guilty.  No proof yet.  

  4. You know the tie-breaking rule was unfair, well guess what, I think the age limit for competing in the Gymnastics is unfair. Whats the difference between a 14 (or 13, 12, etc.) year old girl competing and a 16 year old girl competing? People say it is harmful to your body because a 14 year old girl's bone structures have not been fully developed yet? But are you saying a 16 year old did not train until she was 16? No, I don't think so. The age limit rule is unreasonable.

    The age limit rule also have other flaws, if a 14 year old cannot compete in the Olympics, she will have to wait for another 4 years until she was 18 to compete? Is that fair to her? After she has been working so hard for the moment to represent her country? I don't think so.

    So, I think these age limit c**p is really useless, if one is good enough to compete, one should be able to compete. It doesn't make Americans look any better if we said they have gotten beaten by a bunch of little kids.

    p.s. if you think that a rule is a rule and any athletes should obey it, then stop complaining about the tie breaking rule, because it is also a rule and I think that is unfair to the athletes.

  5. "You're behind by 20 golds"

    Whos' down by 20 gold, are assuming she's an American, pretty pathetic girl.

  6. Will those steroids using Americans be stripped of all their gold medals?   Many countries will be happy, to see those cheaters go in disgrace!

  7. I doubt they will be.  Their government is hiding the information.  These poor girls will forever be the ages they put down for these olympics!  Too bad they just lost years off of their lives!  I guess that is the sacrifice they make for bringing honor to their country and families.

  8. yo, and all ya'll americans. those chinese girls look underaged, but does that make them underaged? hey, george bush said iraq had weapon of mass destruction. did iraq really have such thing? h**l no, US just wanted the oil.

    don't judge a book by its cover. face it US, u guys lost in gymnastics.

  9. Pointless. That's only 2 golds. You're behind by 20 golds.

    You should focus more in getting better coz Great Britain and Russia are getting strong you might end up 4th or 5th in 2012. And I'd hate to hear more whining in 2012.

  10. the dispute over age has been going on in gymnastics for years.

    Any female who has ever participated in the sport will tell you,

    hormones are the enemy. When the b*****s and bottoms start

    to get round and fill out, the central balance point changes from

    day to day. Routines are very difficult.

    Younger girls, are flat, have less body fat and more muscle strength per pound so they find the tumbling routines easier to accomplish.

    The sad part, in the past, some countries actually

    withheld food from the girls to r****d development,

    keeping them small as long as possible.  

  11. YES, they should be stripped of their medals, but the IOC will not do anything about it even though there is a lot of very clear evidence that He Kexin and Jiang Yuyuan are not 16. The evidence that China provides is "copies of their passports."  Ok, how hard it is to print up new passports, birth certificates, etc. and hide/destroy the old ones in this Communist nation? Think about what a huge deal this is to China and the lengths they have gone to make this Olympics a success for them. The IOC is ignoring the many public records that these gymnasts are underage, and they are doing nothing more about it which is appalling. Official Web sites in China showing documents of these girls' ages are now mysteriously inaccessible, official media documents and the equivalent of press releases FROM THE GYMNASTICS PROGRAM available to Chinese media outlets that give biographical information on all the athletes have also disappeared, and information in publically-accessible news stories by the Chinese media has been recently changed. Just the "copies of the passports" are presented as proof to the IOC, and they are ignoring all evidence to suggest the passports are not real.

    China is doing everything they can to hide the truth because it would not only be a HUGE embarrassment, but every Chinese Olympic success would be overshadowed by this scandal, and that is what the world would remember about China in these Olympics. They have put forth a lot of effort to display a certain image to the world (even going so far as to kick out the young girl that sang in the Opening Ceremonies because she wasn't cute enough). This would destroy all the work they put in and they are not about to let that happen. Although there has already been many cases of doping already uncovered, for the sake of the reputation of the Olympics, the IOC can't afford a scandal this big by the host nation. There are many factors as to why they aren't pursuing this, and this is a big one.  

    This is why these girls won't be stripped of their medals: because the International Olympic Committee won't do anything about it.  This is not about the US gaining on the Chinese in medals.  If the US gymnasts were in the same situation, they should be stripped of their medals too.  

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