
Are the votes in Florida going to count as Hillary said?

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How could they do this? This is illegal. They are stepping on people's rights.





  2. There is no inherent "right" to vote in a primary election.  The DNC set the rules, Michigan and Florida chose to disregard them, and so the DNC has said that those states' delegates won't count.

    The RNC had similar rules, but as I understand chose to only remove half of the states' delegates.

    I'm sure Sen. Clinton's campaign hopes that the DNC will relax its rules and seat the delegates... she won both states easily, especially since there was no campaigning of note.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the DNC allows the Michigan and Florida delegates to count, but I don't know if they would go by the primary results or use another method to divide the delegates.

  3. Here is the thing.  it was the Florida Republican House, the Florida Republican Senate, and the Florida Republican Governor that passed the law moving the Primary to the 29th.  The democrats in Florida had nothing to do with the change and could not stop it since the republicans control the house, senate and Governor's office.

    So the DNC is punishing Florida democrats for the acts of Florida Republicans.  Talk about shooting your self in the foot!  But then the democrats are well practiced at that.

  4. Malclave is right.  The rights that we think of during a general election are not necessarily present during a primary contest.  Primaries are a tool for political parties to decide amongst themselves who their nominee is going to be.  The parties have a right to decide pretty much however they want.  If the DNC or RNC decided that from now on that nominees will be chosen by the chairman alone, there would be no legal right trampled.  It would, however, be less healthy for our republic, in my opinion.

  5. Not technically no. The delegates may be able to sit at the convention but only after one of the candidates lock up enough delegates for the nomination. So technically it will have no effect on the delegate count. But as far as momentum, who knows.

  6. All votes are going to count. Whether the vote is for the individual or for the delegate to the convention who will be casting the vote for the candidate the vote will count.

  7. Stepping on people's rights is a specialty of the Clintons. You should know that.

  8. I think it's completely WRONG that she would sign the affidavit, just like the other candidates did, agreeing to the sanctions by the DNC and then... ONLY because she wins Florida (and Michigan)... she comes out and says they should count. Is this how she is going to lead our country?

    How dangerous of a thought is this... "Oh, I agreed Iran shouldn't have nukes but now it will help me so I changed my mind!" And they tore John Kerry apart for the flip flop. Look in the mirror lady!

  9. They can do it because they make the rules. FL chose not to follow them and are being punished. Tell them to play by the rules next time.

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