
Are the war protesters at the GOP convention?

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just a preview of what we can expect from the peace loving libs when Hussein Obama bin Biden lose in November??




  1. Absolutely.  Typical immature liberals;  completely out of control, let their emotions lead over and above any common sense, and a great demonstration of why we simply can't allow their leader into power.  

    Did you see any of the interviews?  Most of them had no idea why they were there, not one recognized pictures of the candidates, and all of them were high on dope.  How "progressive" can you get?  lol

  2. You are showing your bigotry

    Knock off the Hussein Obama bin Biden c**p, it is as old as calling McCain McSame.



  3. yep i been saying it all can we elect all of that bs into office..we will be no better than some country overseas...

  4. Those are the people on the left, That are ripping the democrats apart. it is interesting the Right never ever does this kind of thing. I say to them IT IS NOT THE SIXTIES ANY MORE> GET IT ?

  5. You would think anyone who is protesting war would not be violent wouldn't you, sounded more like they actually wanted to start a war on American soil to me. Kind of a stupid way to get your point across. But then no one ever stated that protesters were actually all smart, usually they just follow the leader because they cannot think for themselves. You know like jumping on the band wagon because they have nothing better to do with their lives, like actually pitch in and help their fellow human beings.  

  6. I don't know, but it's disgusting.

  7. The fringe portion of the democratic party wants to protest capitalism, that's what it is really about.... the protest against business, corporations and capitalism in general.

    They attack patriotism, faith, marriage, family, etc because these things are the basis of our capitalistic society.

    Sadly, many of these protesters are single issue lemmings, who are emotionally manipulated by the George Soros level socialists, who know how to manipulate them.

    Some are just trying to bring back the spirit of the 60's, the permissive times of s*x, drugs, rock n roll & attacking the establishment, is why they attack America.

    Capitalim vs socialism is what the real fight is about between republicans and democrats.

  8. You see how during the DNC repuplican people intelligently listened while at the RNC the democrat nut jobs can't help but destroy the city, attack cops, break stuff, on and on. Is this their way of saying "Hey America, vote democrat, we're more mature"

  9. They protest war yet they are the most violent.  They advocate abortion yet are against the death penalty.

    My hunch is it will be another LA - Rodney King event if they lose the election.  On second thought, they celebrate that way too.  If they win the election they'll probably burn down stores, businesses, towns anyway...

  10. NO but a preview of the false flag problems caused by the repuke cabal and their police agents provocateurs that is designed to get martial law declared and move us into full fascism.  

  11. This shows how fringe the Democratic base is. And this is the reason they will lose in the fall. Count on it!!!

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