
Are the yu gi oh structure decks "dinosaur's rage" and "invincible fortress" good together and individually?

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i'm ordering both from amazon and i plan to combine some cards from both to make a brand new deck. i know for sure that the "invincible fortress" deck has some REAL good defense and effect monsters...




  1. I wouldn't mix them together.

    Dinosaur's Rage focuses on playing your most powerful monsters quickly and hitting your opponent hard, a beat-down deck. Invincible Fortress is more of a defensive deck, using traps to lower your opponent's life-points by remaining in defense and keep your monsters switching from attack to defense and using Exxod to inflict Direct Damage.

    Individually, both are pretty good. It depends on your style of play, though. If you like hitting your opponent hard and fast, use Dinosaur's Rage. However, if you would prefer to play defensive and slowly drain your opponent, use Invincible Fortress.

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