
Are their Lifeguards at the Olympics? If yes, where? And do they have all thier equipment?

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Are their Lifeguards at the Olympics? If yes, where? And do they have all thier equipment?




  1. Yes is a must, Im thinking in the lockers or in the team meeting spot

  2. Yes, All pools have rescue equipment. I would bet dollars to donuts that most of the swimmer athletes have lifeguard training at some point in thier lives. As far as I know USS(united states swimming) coaches are required to have lifeguard training as well before they are even allowed to be on deck with their swimmers. I don't know about other countries. But I guarantee you there are several dozen capable rescuers at each Olympic swimming venue, weather there are official 'Olympic lifeguards' or not

  3. I Imagine so, maybe the officials are all qualified but i suppose they are not essential needed in the olympics because when you are good enough to represent your country at Swimming i imagine the is a good chance you can do your event safely without drowning

    but accidents may happen so i suppose they must be there somewhere

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