
Are their any Jack Russel Terrier lovers out there?

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Just would like to know more about this breed,would like to get another dog,and my mom said I should get a JR, are they a good dog?




  1. If you have room and time for them to exercise and have brain games to keep them occupied they are amazing.

  2. hi,

    Developed in England some 200 years ago to hunt foxes, the Jack Russell Terrier, also known as the Parson Russell Terrier, is a lively, independent, and clever little dog. He's charming and affectionate, but he's also a handful to train and manage. For experienced dog owners only!

    here's more info':

    hope this helps.

  3. Temperament

    The Jack Russell is a working terrier. Terrier work requires a dog that will bark at prey so that the dog can be located underground and be dug out if necessary. As a result, Jack Russell Terriers are most definitely vocal dogs.

    Jack Russell Terriers are also very intelligent, high-energy dogs ??“ requirements of a working dog which must problem-solve in the field and work tirelessy against often formidable quarry.

    Due to their compact size, friendly and inquisitive nature, and intelligence, Jack Russells are popular as pets. Prospective buyers should be aware, however, that while these dogs may enjoy sitting in a lap, they are not ???lap dogs??? ??“ they are dogs that require training and regular and consistent exercise to maintain their temperament and to occupy their minds.

    Jack Russells that are not trained on a consistent basis, or are not exercised regularly, may exhibit unmanageable behaviour, including excessive barking, escaping from the yard, or digging in unwanted places inside and outside the house. In America, several Jack Russell rescue networks have to work constantly to find temporary and permanent homes for Jack Russell Terriers whose owners could not meet these requirements for keeping these dogs as house pets. Prospective Jack Russell Terrier owners are advised to do their homework.

    Most Jack Russell Terriers easily mingle with children, though they do not tolerate even unintentional abuse. Most are outgoing, and very friendly towards other dogs, but a good number show same-s*x aggression issues. Some JRT's exhibit a Napoleon complex regarding larger canines that can get them into dangerous situations. Their fearlessness can scare off a larger animal, but their apparent unawareness of their small size can lead to a lopsided fight with larger dogs if not kept in check.

    It is not uncommon for a Jack Russell terrier to be cat-aggressive, and homes with other small fur-bearing animals in them (pet hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, etc.) would do well to think through the ramifications of bringing a working terrier into the house.

    For more information on health and appearance visit:

  4. I own a Jack Russel and to tell you the truth it took some adjusting to get used to him. He is VERY hyper. The energy is sometimes almost unbearable. We have gotten much better over the last few months but at first it was really hard. Another trait of JR's is they live to "hunt" so if you have small animals at home such as birds, cats, hamsters, etc. they could be in harms way if you don't be careful. Now I have all of the above and we don't seem to have too much of a problem other then him playing rough with the cats. But we also don't leave him alone with any of them for any lengthy period of time. Hope this helps

  5. Yes they are wonderful dogs.   I have a mix or a Jack Russell/Chihuahua/labrador.  

    they are very high energy so be sure to walk him often and exercise

  6. if u treat them like a baby they dont get aggresive...and all jack russells are not hyper i have  jack russel and he is very lazy he just lays around....but they are good dogs if you bring them up right  

  7. Yes, they are great dogs! I currently have two of them--a 2.5yr old female and a 10month old male.

    They are tons of fun and learn tricks quickly.  However, they have so much energy--it's hard to even explain!!  I feel like I have no life sometimes, because I'm always entertaining them or out walking with them!!!  They can definitely wear you long before they are tired haha!

    If you train them and exercise them everyday, they are really sweet.  I have the Parson Russell type (which is the longer legged ones).  From personal experience, I think the Parson have better tempermants.  I'm always running into people with jack russells and the shorties are usually pretty crazy!  But personalities and everything really varies from dog to dog.

    Here are some pics of mine:

  8. My parents had one and she was the sweetest dog! They can learn tricks and play a lot too.  

  9. I have a Jack Russell she is 6yrs old and I hadnt owned one before I got her. They are very energetic and mine does not get on with cats at all. They need plenty of exercise and mine has a basket of toys which get dropped in my lap at least every 5 mins to throw for her...They make excellent pets but as with any animal you must be very committed. You sound very sensible and hope all the answers will help you decide.  

  10. They are good if you don't spoil them.  People think that since they are small and innocent that they can spoil them but that actually makes them meaner.  Don't treat them like a baby.  Treat them like a regular dog.  Because if not, they will be aggressive to neighbors, take your possessions, and pee in the house.

    My sister got bit on the ankle by one too!  :O  But i do think they spoil the dog.  So that is probably why they might seem aggressive.

  11. They are pretty good dogs but they need to have room to run around outside. They are very wiry when they're puppies but will settle down if you play with them and give them attention often. If you have another dog make sure that you watch them when they are together they have a tendency to run.

  12. I had a Jack Russel Terrier female and she was just adorable and loving.  However, she was a very hands on dog; she wanted and needed constant attention.  I didn't have the time to devote to her that she needed, and she became aggressive with our other dog.  She didn't like for us to have anything to do with the other dog and she refused to share a food bowl or anything.  We finally gave her away to someone who had more time to spend with her and she was perfectly happy after that.  So, I think they are great dogs if you have the time to devote to them.

  13. they are great dogs. i had one when i was 8. very hyper happy little dogs.

    i like rat terriers better tho, pretty much the same breed, but smaller.

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