
Are their any UFC fighters that are pure boxers?

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I'm talkin fighters that have no other style of fighting. Just boxing.




  1. There's no such thing as being in the UFC and being a Pure Boxer.  You dont train to be a pure boxer because you would be putting yourself at a very distinct disadvantage.  If you get put on your back you would be done...period.  MMA fighters cant afford to be pure boxers, they HAVE to be more well rounded than that to be competitive.  Even guys like Chuck Liddell or Kimbo Slice (who are considered bangers and braulers) still train vigorously on the ground.  If nothing else you train very hard at escaping takedowns and takedown defense.  

    Pure boxers are just real place for it in MMA competition.

  2. I doubt it, UFC is a mixed martial arts competition. Besides somebody with just boxing training would get their @sses handed to them.

  3. Any guy with a pro boxing background in MMA usually has at least a high school (probably some college too) wrestling background.  This is the case with Jens Pulver (by the way he is not a top 30-40 welterweight), he is a good boxer with some pro fights under his belt, but he also wrestled competively.

    Kermit Cintron used to wrestle too, I think he has the best chance out of both sports (boxing and MMA) to cross-over with real success.  He's a top 5-10 welterweight right now (basically championship quality) and I think with that boxing ability and his wrestling background he could really be very good in something like UFC.

  4. No way.  You would'nt step into the Octagon unless you have been cross training fighting disciplines.  There have been many boxers who have gotten into MMA though,  but what they do when they transition into the sport is to prepare for grappling and submissions.

  5. Jens Pulver actually is both, more famous as a UFC guy, I would say he is a top 30-40 welterweight  boxer.

  6. No UFC is for Mixed Martial Arts if it was a guy who only threw punches he would be Killed

  7. Kimbo Slice

  8. no most likely not, if there were he would get beaten easily.

    1.boxers to train to defend against kicks and leg kicks would devastate a boxer

    2.if he could avoid the leg kicks there is still the grappling and wrestling which he definitely wouldn't be able to deal with and would end up tapping out

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