
Are their any herbs that have a calming sensation if burned in the air or smoked?

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Are their any herbs that have a calming sensation if burned in the air or smoked?




  1. LOL there is one but it's not legal. You shouldn't be asking about it especially on a public site.

  2. I find that incense is very calming, and won't hurt your lungs if you can't stand smoke.  You light them, and the release a sweet smoke which can last for a long time.  To me, incense helps me from going ape-**** on everyone around me :P

  3. Have you tried essential oils?  They're legal.  

    Lavendar has a very calming effect, you can use the oil in an evaporator or if you have a lavendar bush, cut and dry it then smell it when you need some calming. . .

    Dont smoke it though ;0)

  4. Frankinsence insence has a calming and slightly intoxicating effect.

  5. marijuana

  6. inhaling lavender oil or incense.

    If you wanted to get a good calming high, that's legal, go for a reiki session. (pronounced Ray-key,look in the yellow pages under hollistic or alternative medicine) You have to be relaxed and open minded for it to work. You also must drink a lot of clean pure water afterwords. I felt like I was on vicodin after the session.   It's really weird, you crave healthy foods and want to listen to classical music, but is the best calming feeling I ever had.

  7. marijuana!

    Or 'Pot' for the addicted.  I recommend you do not ask for it at your local drug store. You'll want to keep this one low profile!

  8. Chamomile.

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