
Are their cruise lines that don't ask for passport?

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I just got back from a 2 week cruise and we HAD to have a passport to even go on the trip. I have heard all cruise lines now require you to have a passport. My friend needed my passport number to registar me for the trip. Someone told me that the last cruise they went on the people that did not have their passports when they got there could not get on the ship.




  1. a lot of times if its your first cruise then u can use your your ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE but if your over like 30 then goodluck

  2. Yep nowadays you need a passport to board any cruise ship.

    I wouldn't be surprised if you need a passport to board any ship that leaves international waters.

    Of course this is for security reasons. There worried your gonna hijack the ship and crash it into an oil rig or something.

  3. Any cruise ship that stops in a foreign port must clear customs when it returns to the US. The cruise lines have no say about this. It is US law. That's why cruise ships are fast to board, but very slow to disembark.

  4. It depends where you are going.  The US is changing their passport laws, and you now need a passport!

    As of January 23, 2007 passports are required for travel between the United States and Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean (except for travel to or from U.S. territories by U.S. citizens), and Bermuda.

    As of October 1, 2007, exceptions are no longer being made for those who have applied for their passport but haven't received it. Please make sure that you have your passport with you when you arrive at the airport for your travel between the areas mentioned above.

    For details, see the U.S. Department of State's Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative information.

  5. As of right now Royal Caribbean does not require a passport for American leaving from American ports in to sea ports. Other then that yes, you do need a passport.

  6. Ships which are not calling at foreign ports do not require passports.

    Most Disney Line cruises stop only at US ports.

    So does the Staten Island Ferry in NYC although many of us do not consider Staten Island part of the US.

  7. yes you do

  8. Cruses to the Caribbean region are not required by law  to  ask for passports, but many cruise lines do want ther passengers to have them.  By summer of 2009  they will absolutely be required. I don't know if there are any lines NOT asking for passports, they may have all decided to just go ahead and do it now.

  9. You do not need a passport to board a ship if the chip returnns to the same port of departure. I have been on 7, in the last 2 years, and have never needed a passport. Yes, I could have had one or used one but they were not required, nor did I need them when disembarking at any of the ports I visited (including Mexico, Belize and Hondouras). Check with the passport agency for specifics but I just read where as of 2009 they would still not be required for cruising passengers.

  10. What this obsession some has about not wanna show their passports? If your a legal residence in your country there should be no trouble at all getting one.

    New rules are caming up that requires all passengers on cruise lines to show a valid passport at the check in. Its part of new identification rules after 9/11 and its also gonna aply on cruises within the us such as bahamas and to and from hawaii. But there are many cruise lines that have put that rules into use already. See your cl to find out. Johan

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