
Are their different versions of the bible?

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how many?

if so, how do you know which one is legit?




  1. Well, there are dozens of English translations currently in print - possibly hundreds, all told, over the centuries - and that's not counting foreign languages....

    "legit" is a vague term, as others have identified.  Here are my recommendations, which are based on

    1) the reader's purpose

    2) the generally-perceived reliability (accuracy and precision) of the translation and

    3) my own personal preferences (naturally).

    In my opinion, the New Jerusalem Bible is currently the superior translation (accuracy and precision, remember).  Here's why

    A limited but useful discussion on how to evaluate a translation can be found here


  2. oh yeah,lots.

    I would suggest using the King James,it is tried and true,

    and people have tried to do away with it for years and have not been able to,(that should tell you something)

    I have noticed that a lot of the other versions leave a lot of important stuff out and I will stick with the one that doesn't change God's word .

  3. Yes i guess but they all have the same thing but sometimes there are kids versions etc.

  4. At least 5.  We Catholics follow the New American Bible; most Prots use the King James Version.  Mormons have a special book (of Mormon).  Jews use only the Old Testament books.

    Catholic Church leader sin the early days (2-5th Century A.D.) got together and decided which original texts best told the stories as handed down through the ages after Jesus' life and put them together to make the most narrative sense.  Many books (known as the Apocrypha) were excised due to extraneous or duplicated information within them.

  5. yeah there must be seeing how all the different churches have their own interpretation of everything!

    if you are christian, then the "legit" one is the one your church thinks is legit... but if everyone thinks theirs is legit then something is wrong, right? does that possibly mean there isn't a legit one?

  6. There are many versions of the bible. THis was a trick question right? To see haw many people would answer you right?

    Well the version that I like best is the New World Translation Of The Holy Scriptures. Mainly because it does not substitute God's Name Jehovah with plain old LORD or Just God. And it is translated from the original Hebrew and Greek scriptures. The most reliable i found so far. That's how I know it is legit.  

  7. The blood thirsty old testament, and the sanitized new testament, both works of fiction.

  8. Yeah it gets updated all the time. For as long as the masses need a reason to believe in somthing that explains their existance. You see a long time ago the masses were very savage and governments needed to create some kind of order out of chaos.

  9. Yes, there are many different versions of the bible.  Which one is legit? Well, they are all translations.  And what do mean by legit? the most accurate to the original?  Well, the original doesn't exist and back then there were no printing presses, so even the most accurate one isn't a perfect copy of the first.

    Here's a list of different versions that exist, however.

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