
Are ther others ways to process human waste that require the use of less water thn convential treatment plants

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Are ther others ways to process human waste that require the use of less water thn convential treatment plants




  1. Bio digester s, which turn it into gas with the help of microbes

    This gas can be used for cooking and does not smell,


    or a cistern with 2 compartments a connecting hole in the bottom of the seperation wall .the rough stuff decomposes in the first one,cleaner sewage runs in the the 2nd one then a french drain as an over flow from the 2nd tank,

    Trees can be planted along the closed ditch that is filled with stones ,VERY GOOD IDEA

    .And composting toilets ,either fixed like an out house ,or with access to the compost to use in the garden GOOD IDEA

    In Thailand the people have beautifully painted compost  toilets.on their property near the road and invite passersby to use them ,because they value the compost so much,.GOOD IDEA

    In China the have what is called night soil ,the p**p is thrown straight on the fields ,this makes the place smell and with out the composting process the wrong microbes persist and can be the cause of disease ,NOT A GOOD IDEA

  2. A solar out house turns the waste into an ash, no water is needed or holes to dig.  The US Forest Service uses them.

  3. Yemen used to be known for the "long drop", a sort of indoor outhouse. The f***s drop down into a holding area. Eventually, they have to be shovelled out (what a wonderful job to have!) and the dried f***s got burned to heat the public baths. Urine was conveyed to the outside of the building and ran down the side. Slightly more modern buildings had downspouts but some of the old buildings still show streaks of urea. Alas, newer buildings are being built with flush toilets.

  4. Outhouse or latrine

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