
Are ther such things as mermaids?

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I've always wanted to know if there is such thing as a mermaid, cuz that would be pretty coolio!!!!!!!!!




  1. hmmmm.

    many are hoaxes. or maybe illusion.

    sailors declare they saw mermaids its actually aint true. its it just the illusion they saw of a secow feeding its young in the fog and mist. but they are also some stories claim that mermaid exist. well. so far. thats is no proof of mermaid exist.

  2. They are real. Anything is possible, mermaids are definitly real,Dont listen to anybody who say otherwise.

  3. No.

    Some guy must have been pretty screwed up to have s*x with a fish and sell it as a story.

  4. Dont listen to those who dont believe.I belive i mean it had to come from somewhere.And back then it was almost totally illegal to tell a lie.A sailor must have met one and learned of the mermaids.But nobody believed.Like i always say just because you dont see it dosnt mean its not there.Dont make fun of those who believe because if  you belive they dont exsist then the believers make fun of you.Think about it.

  5. YES! I have always believe in mermaids ever since i was little, now I am 20 and still do. Who cares what people say, if you want to believe then do!

  6. Modern man believes that people would see sea cows, Manatee, and believe they had seen a mermaid. Or perhaps a girl with fused legs was seen and a myth began.

  7. Although I have seen no proof, I like to believe that they exist it is fun. I have yet to see any good reason why they couldn't exist. Prove me wrong someone.

  8. Is there such things as mermaids? No.

    Can you believe in them? Yes.

    Mermaids arent cool, and they arent real. Choose if you want to believe.

  9. dont listen to anyone that puts you down

    If You believe in mermaids, then they are real

    If You dont believe then they dont

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