
Are there ANY Aussies here?

by  |  earlier

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I like being Australian.




  1. I am Aussie and proud =]

  2. YAAYY me too!!

  3. me too & yes I am an Aussie. Missieblue

  4. Yes. I am here.

    I was born in Asia but I am Definitely an Aussie, mate.

    G'day to you.

  5. I'm knowledgable and I wouldnt say I feel special perhaps lucky though..

  6. Yay I am Aussie and proud of it..

    Don't be a hater Danni b

  7. you bet we are here luv and i might be not there in oz at the moment but i sure do miss it the taste of my VB beer and my vegimite & toast and my burger with the lot egg pineapple beatroot and our outlook on life she will be right mate not a bloody worry

  8. aye im aussie

  9. I'm an Aussie too!

    Did you notice that 3 top contributors- that are Australians- have answered your question! This either means that we are rather knowledgable or we just don't have anything to do all day so we answer questions. I hope its the former:)

  10. Yes, I'm an Aussie and I do feel special.

  11. Yes I'm Aussie - and yes, it's great being one!

  12. Of course there are. yahoo answers is international! :D

    Sorry I'm not Australian though

  13. I'm Australian, though I don't live there at the moment. I'm in Asia.

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