Our toshiba big-screen TV Lamp unit just ruptured and it turns out it costs $170 to replace. We have only had this TV for 4 yrs, not even long enough for dust to build. Apparently the original units only last 6-8,000 hrs. The replacements, however, last only about 2000 hrs. So, we anticipate needing to replace it again every 1-1 1/2 yrs. This was not explained to us when we purchased the TV or we woulnd't have bought it. We didn't need another "dependent." I'm so livid about how society works today that I just want to pull my hair out and scream. Selling us cheap products at high costs that don't last as long as they could. We have a TV that we have had for over 11yrs that works just fine. We decided to "invest" in this larger one since TV's last so long, we thought! Now there is an ANNUAL expense with the excuse is that it’s like having a NEW tv. Give me a break! If I wanted a new TV every year I would've stuck with a smaller, more affordable one and kept it for 20 years!