
Are there Book Burnings goin on????

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I live in the United States. Someone posted this in the R and S section of Y!A. It asks why rabbi's are burning New Testaments in Israel. I dont believe its true. Has anyone here heard about such a thing??




  1. Here's what happened:

    A tiny group of Orthodox Jews got fed up with what the Messianics were doing. The Messianics have been, literally, approaching new immigrants as they get off the planes! They offer them 'complimentary jewish bibles' but in fact, it is the NEW TESTAMENT.

    These evangelists were asked to stop - they refused. So yes, a tiny group of Orthodox Jews got fed up and were highly offended, and they burnt a few of the bibles. It was NOT an organised thing.

  2. Question deleted.  I already gave my opinion on another such question on this board.

    Israel has it's radicals too.  People that think that will run those guys off or just mistaken.

    You would do better to set them down at home and say show me where it says the Jews are to be converted by Christians.

    They can't.  Tell them that accosting children on the streets is illegal there as it is in America and you will file formal charges if they are caught again.

    However wrong these guys are they are dedicated to what they call leading the blind to Christ.  They mean you no harm and if you meet with them and explain you will probably find them polite and willing to listen.  Greet them with anger and prove your disrespect for God Himself.  Remember the good samaritan.

  3. Yes,orthodox rabbis have been staging book-burnings lately. I'll see if I can find it for you and repost.

    Ok,just google up "Rabbis burn Bible" and you'll get plenty of coverage. There is a whole movement called Shas who want to expell all non-jews (many Palestinians are Christian). Their leader is a guy named Rabbi Ovadia Yoseph.

    There is another group called Yad Lachim. They want to burn every Christian bible they can find.

    You can just google this up off the israeli press,never hurts to do your own research.

  4. Yes,there have been several recent cases. Just google it up. They've been covered by the Israeli press. Try the Haaretz online archive. Ultra-orthodox jews are bitterly anti-Christian.

    As to that one answer,i don't see that anyone has suggested the malefactors are acting on behalf of the government; that isn't the point. The point is there is a great deal of hatred against Christianity in the Holy Land; it is not a society that tolerates religious freedom. In any event,they obviously do not feel that their religion can stand up to competition.

  5. The Shas party has been doing that for years; attacks on Armenian Orthodox ministers are common. All the hospitals and schools operated by the presbyterian Church before 1948 were seized by the zionists. Meanwhile in Syria,Christian/Muslim relations are excellent,just as they were in Palestine until former jews from Russia seized power. They completely destroyed the Christian quarter in Jerusalem.  

  6. Some Jews that got fed up with the Messianic Christians and got the literature together that they had been given and burnt it up.

    I don't blame them for being sick and tired of being the target of proselytizing, after all it defeats the purpose of living in Israel if once again people use underhanded tactics and start stalking you to try to get you to convert.

    People can't just go around Jewish neighborhoods at midnight leaving things on the doorknobs and chasing the Jewish children around giving them literature or meeting unsuspecting Jewish people at the airport and giving them messianic literature without getting some sort of reaction. They are doing all those things plus more and it is against the law as there is no proselytizing allowed within Israel it is safe haven.

    They didn't have to burn it they could have buried it and that's what should have been done but they didn't and it was theirs to do with as they wish and I don't blame them for being fed up. It kind of defeats the purpose of living in Israel which is a Jewish refuge when people start stalking you because of your Jewish religious beliefs.

    I can't access the link you provided as some other people here block us then smear us with multiple accounts and pick most antisemitic best answer. This is the 4th time this question has popped up today.

  7. Yes,there is a movement called Shas dedicated to eradicating Christianity from the Holy Land. One of their leaders is Rabbi Ovadia Yoseph. They stage events where they tear NTs out of Christian Bibles and burn them. Every jew here will hotly deny it,which naturally begs the question; why are most reports from the israeli press and why do these non-existent groups have websites? try google and see what you find.  

  8. Sadly it's true.  But let's remember; Israel is not a country founded based on religious freedom.  It is founded as a state for the Jews.  So if you think you're going to go there and find a little America with all the democratic rights you have in the U.S., you'll be sorely disappointed.

  9. Yes,but I doubt the truth would interest you. You'll just get Mad and fume. Anybody can google up anti-Christian hate sites from your precious "israel". Why ask? You don't want to check out press accounts on these activities. You want to hear that it Just Isn't So.  

  10. Please read the articles here and then read my further comments:

    I had first heard about the missionary activities from individual Israelis online who have become increasingly exasperated.  In the past months, there had been dramatic escalations of Christian missionary activities targeting Jewish children ( which is against Israeli law)athe elderly and new immigrants to Israel particularly. Some neighborhoods were being leafletted DAILY and their children accosted going to and coming home from school, being given "Brit Chadasa"s or however they spell the Hebraicised New Testament as well as many other types of pamphleets  Some had the chutzpah to tell children that their parents were leading them to burn in h**l.    This partcular community that burned the pamphlets has felt under assault according to what I have read online. However, they are not the only community in Israel this is happening to.  

    I do not support book burninings, but I cannot equate this with the book burnings of the n***s as some wish to mischaracterize.

    In this one overblown incident all the hundreds if not thousands of pamphlets and books and in some cases tapes and CD's that were left on their property repeatedly over the past months, often after asking these Christian missionaries to stop leaving them..were gathered and burned.

    The n***s went around and CONFISCATED Holy texts trying to take away the religious freedom of Jews, often burning synagogues and Jews in them. aThose were texts that were deceptively given or left upon these people who are abusing a right of religious freedom by aggressive attempts to impose their beliefs on others in increasingly subversive, deceptive and underhanded ways.

      They believed that by this action they could show the Messianic CHRISTIANS that they were utterly fed up with picking up these pamphlets and leaflets and that their community wanted this activity to stop.  These missionary efforts targeting Jews in Israel are being supported by a number of large campaigns in the US in several Christian congregations and they go to churches to teach classes on the "Hebraic Roots" movement, tell them of efforts in Israel where they disseminate "information" and they collect money to provide these materials they tell their donors .are "widely distributed" and NEEDED.   What they do NOT tell the churches funding this activity is and that  groups are now using high pressure and subversive tactics ( These pamphlets are often distributed very late at night in doorways) to spread them.  One Jewish woman in Israel  told about a tallit and kippah wearing bearded man passing out Haggadah's.  People taking them thought they were getting something Jewish from a Jew, she was there to warn others about accepting them because they were "messianic" Hagaddah's with instructions how to make a seder with Jesus replacing many of the Torah meanings for symbolism.  The Christian messianics are also  inviting people to mass rallies held in Jerusalem ’s Binyenei Ha’uma conference center telling them it is a Jewish prayer gathering. Their leaders wear tallis prayer shawls and yarmulkes, giving the impression that what they are selling is Judaism. New immigrants to Israel are their biggest targets in those types of activities.

    When Christians of integrity are informed of the types of behaviors that these missionaries employ and that their "Great Commission" is abused in this manner, they are not so likely to support these groups.  

    Burning anyone's Holy texts is not something that Jews promote, but I sincerely hope that the FULL story will be understood before we vilify these people who have been the targets of a level of missionzing I have not even seen here in the Bible belt!  If they confront these missionaries, the missionaries cry foul and claim they are being attacked!  They are trying to become martyrs in the eyes of fellow Christians

    And now, the same users who continually use the Israel Travel forum as a platform to demonize Israel and Jews and block all users they know are Jews from response are starting this tactic in R&S by utterly misrepresenting one incident and trying to promote dissention between Christians and Jews!

    Thank you Barrel for posting this as I had not been able to go to the question you reference.  I was blocked from ever viewing that particular asker's questions before I ever recalled even seeing that screen name before.

    Christians aren't so ignorant as to believe that they're under assault from the country that gave them the rights to their holy places after being denied access before Israel had possession of them.  Laws in Israel protect their right to their religions, too.  If you want to do some " googling"  Look at all the articles that speak to the fears of Christians in the middle east..who do they fear?  Not the Jews.

    They fear fundamentalist Islamist groups.

    Palestinian Christians in Gaza and the West Bank; Assyrian, Syriac and Chaldean Christians in Iraq; Coptic Christians in Egypt; Evangelical and Orthodox Christians in Eastern Ethiopia and Eritrea; Armenian Orthodox Christians in Turkey; and Maronite Christians in Lebanon have all been the targets of Islamic extremists.

    I know there is no evidence to support the spurious claims that Israel and Jews are trying to or are persecuting Christians in Israel, and this is why no links have been given to support that, but I am sure people here have heard of Time is an article that can support what I just said.

    Claiming that  Rabbi Ovadia Yosef speaks for all Shas or  represents the Israeli government, all Israelis or even Jews in Israel is not very honest.  When Rabbi Yosef made statements claiming Katrina was a punishment from God, Jews all the world over chastized him. email me if you want links to such condemnations or you can google THAT for yourself, too

    He outraged and alienated many of his own party members with some of his bigoted statements  < this group does not promote burning Christian bible's either

    To the asker..perhaps you could go to your answer on that other question..if you haven't already been blocked from responding or viewing it again, and give a link to this question in your answer so that others may see the responses here from all the Jews who were blocked from responding there.

    edit for a little history lesson :

    When Jordan had control of the eastern part of Jerusalem, including the Old City, it divided the city for the first time in its 3,000-year history. Under the 1949 armistice agreement with Israel, Jordan pledged to allow free access to all holy places but failed to honor that commitment. From 1948 until the Six-Day War in 1967, the part of Jerusalem controlled by the Jordanians again became an isolated and underdeveloped provincial town, and its religious sites the target of religious intolerance.

    The Old City was rendered void of Jews. Jewish sites such as the Mount of Olives were desecrated. Jordan destroyed more than 50 synagogues and erased all evidence of a Jewish presence. In addition, all Jews were forced out of the Jewish Quarter of the Old City adjacent to the Western Wall, an area where Jews had lived for generations.

    For 19 years, Jews and Christians residing in Israel (and even Israeli Muslims) were barred from their holy places

    Jews, for example, were unable to pray at the Western Wall; Christian Arabs living in Israel were denied access to churches and other religious sites in the Old City and nearby Bethlehem, also under Jordanian control .During Jordan’s reign over eastern Jerusalem, its restrictive laws on Christian institutions led to a dramatic decline in the holy city’s Christian population by more than half – from 25,000 to 11,000

    Since Israel has control of those places now..all have access to their holy places and there are laws protecting the rights of access to them. in the period 1995 – 2003 Israel’s Arab Christian population grew from 101,400 to 115,700, a growth rate of 14.1 percent. To put this in perspective, the US population in that period grew by just 11.8 percent.

  11. yes they but anther 10 testaments

    if u live in israel u will learn it

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