
Are there Brown Recluses in Florida?? PLEASE HELP.?

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I want to know if there are brown recluses in florida. my room is currently infested with termites and so i havent been sleeping in my room and for the most part there is no movement in the room. (we are waiting to get our house tented) anyway, there are several spider webs since i last slept in my room and i have killed a few brown spiders. i would like to know if its possible that these are brown recluses and if it is, how do i know?? thank you sooooo much!




  1. yes, there are. They are all over the south because they like the warm temperatures.

  2. YES, YES, YES!  I love in S.Florida and was bit by a Brown Recluse in April and was in the hospital for a week with not much improvement.

    Brown recluses don't have regular spider webs though they have really heavy thick ones.  You won't generally find them in webs though but in garages or areas of the house that are undistubed.  DO becareful though because yes, we do have Brown Recluses in Florida even though the US Map says there aren't any in our state!

    This website was a MIRACLE and lifesaver and saved me from surgery.  You can get first aid kits here but also TRAPS that are really cheap.

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