
Are there Crocodiles/Alligators in New Zealand?

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I want to move to New Zealand but I am terrified of crocodiles and alligators. I know they are in Australia, which is why I ruled it out. Are there any in New Zealand?




  1. I have lived in Australia for 22 years and have never seen a crocodile in the wild... in a zoo - yes... but in any major city you will be hard pushed to find one.  (And alligators are an american animal - so they are even less common).  Unless you are planning on living in the Kimberleys or something I don't think you would have a problem with crocs!

    NZ has a very poor selection of wildlife (apart from birds) - so no, you won't find any there.  And we'd be quite happy to let you move there instead!

  2. Nope only in the zoos.

  3. In New Zealand the only place you will find such animals is in zoos or natural wildlife sanctuary's where they are kept enclosed.

  4. Gee, i bet your thinking we all ride to work on the back of kangaroos too hey?

    Crocodiles are found up the North of Australia. And i don't really think if you lived in the suburbs of Melbourne or Sydney you would come across one. Unless you visited the Zoo!!!

    But NO... New Zealand does not have Crocodiles wandering around the place waiting to eat you!!

  5. No crocodiles or alligators in NZ.  In fact there are no poisonous or bitey critters at all (except for the occasional angry sheep).

  6. i live in AUS, and im 100% positive they dont have crocs, but im  95% sure they dont aligators, i think the dont anyway

  7. hi i live in NZ and you will be so safe here we have nothing that will worry you. we do have whitetail spiders  and few red backs  but you never see them. certainly no crocs or even snakes if you want to keep away from creepy crawlys this is the place to be. its a beautifull country but not very exciting if you want a good social life. good luck

  8. Alligators are an Amercian reptile, Crocs are the Aussie.

    We don't have crocs walking down the street, you have to go to a zoo or wildlife preserve or to the swamps in the Northern Territory to come across a croc.

    If your that ignorant that you think they are a risk to you, then you dont belong in Australia anyway.

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