
Are there FREE download able microsoft money-like programs on the net?

by  |  earlier

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I have an older version of Microsoft Money that I received when I purchased one of my older computers. I wanted to try to install it on my new laptop but it will not install because the program is "too old."

Are there any programs on the internet like Microsoft Word that are free to download? I really don't want to pay any fees or pay for any programs. I need the program to track my finances so spending money to do that is sort of out of the question. :)

Provide Links Please!! Thank-You!!




  1. yes there are you just go to google and type in ipod to you tube converter or go to youtube and do it type that in that how i get my videos and music from but it will only work if you have a video ipod

  2. Microsoft Word / Excel / PowerPoint equivalents:

    Quicken or Microsoft Money equivalent:

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