
Are there Indian Grocery Stores, Restaurants and Schools in Greece?

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Does Greece have Indian Grocery Stores, Restaurants and Schools. If yes please provide some details and cost indicators for few sample items..




  1. Hi I have seen a few Indian restaurants no grocery stores or Indian schools that I am aware off.They do however have many English speaking schools.I was their last in 2002 things might have changed I have heard there are many Chinese opening business in Greece,Variety gift stores & grocery,so maybe in the last few years Indian people have open businesses in Greece,As for prices the restaurants were on the expensive side when I was their last."MMMM" I want a curry in a hurry with a Chapati. hope this helps you.  

  2. I am sure there have not missed out Greece.Wherever you go you will find Indians/Chinese food and shops. And why why not considering they are two billion and more of them in the world.

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