
Are there SOLAR powered traffic lights in Africa?

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Are there SOLAR powered traffic lights in Africa?




  1. Pretty sure there would be, especially in the more developed areas (e.g. South Africa) although now I think about it I can''t remember seeing any. Most of my time in Africa has been away from the developed countries...

    There are definitely solar powered street lights - and big ones on major highways at that; I used to have to regularly drive to and from Yenagoa (capital of Bayelsa State in the oil-rich Niger delta region of Nigeria) and all the lights along the highway and main road of the town are solar powered.

  2. wow! go Green!.....just yesterday we were worrying about them starving,now we gotta make sure they've got PC  freakin' traffic lights!!.....naw...we ain't loosin' our minds--just misplaced'em!

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