
Are there Suburbs of Dubai?

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Are they much like the suburbs or Atlanta or Raleigh with big houses in subdivisions & shopping centers around?

Or more like Mumbai's suburbs with dune houses or shacks?




  1. I believe there are a Dubai Heights and a Dubai Township nearby.

  2. They have some suburbs but not a whole lot.

    Most of their suburbia is on a desert based land.  They have plenty of room to grow and I'm sure they will build post modern houses that are energy efficient and full of technology.

    Give it about a couple of years and there will be lots of suburban sprawl.

  3. They don't have a whole lot of suburbs yet.

    But it will grow.

    Most people live in the city there.

  4. dont go to dubai. they can arrest you for doing almost anything. to them, even slight PDA is considered inappropriate and obscene.

  5. jebel ali

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