
Are there a lot of Italians living in Germany ?

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Are there a lot of Italians living in Germany ?




  1. Si!

  2. Yes, there are. The first came to Germany in the end of the fiftees of the last century as "Gastarbeiter" (guest workers) and stayed in country.

  3. Sure enough. Most of them are in Southern Germany (like in Bavaria), and do their regular jobs here. Some run pizzerias, and I'd wish I was as fluent in Italian as they are in German.

    But there's no official statistics any more as to how many Italians really live and work here, as we're all European citizens now, and you can cross the borders freely and live and work everywhere, provided you register and pay your taxes.

    Rome is 45 minutes away from Munich, if you fly AlItalia...

  4. ja.

  5. Si, certamente e mi piacciono le donne tedesche moltissimo!

    Tanti saluti....

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