
Are there a lot of crimes on cruise ships?

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I am going on the Queen Mary 2 cruise ship this summer. I was just wondering about the crimes going on there...? Rape, violence, theft? Anything would help. Thank you.




  1. if you look at a ship as a small city and act accordingly....yes, im sure things happen (Ive been on 8 and have had or seen no problems) but like anything else you need to use common sense and act and react safe but have fun, cruising is awesome

  2. There are some. The last cruise I was on, two guys robbed a man in his cabin. They came to his cabin for a drink and to hang out. They smashed him over the head and took money from him. He needed stiches for a large gash in his scalp.

    I also saw on a TV show where a lady, traveling alone, was given a date rape drug by a bartender and raped later in a bathroom stall by him. I forget the show's name but it was on Travel Channel.

  3. Generally you are quite safe on a ship,  they have security officers and staff and cameras all over the place.

    Like the others have said of course you have to be sensible, eg take care of your money, lock your cabin etc, but generally there's people looking out for you all of the time and its easy to get in touch with someone if you feel unsafe at any time.

    I worked on the QM2 for a few months last year and the crew are very diligent and interested in looking after the guests.

    There have of course been cases of rape, druggings etc on ships throughout the world throughout the years but the staff on board are extremely aware of looking out for people who are acting like they're too drunk (or drugged) and take these things very seriously.

    In my 12 years as a crew member on ships I haven't heard of 1 violent/s*x crime on a ship while I've been there.

    Have a great time on board!!

  4. So far, I've been on four cruises and not once has anything bad happened on the ship itself. However, this doesn't mean you can leave a purse or back pack or anything by the pool for an hour or so unattended or anything like that, you can't trust over one thousand people to be courteous to others belongings. Just be wise about it. And don't provoke the drunks. Overall, I find cruisers to be quite friendly however, unless people give them reasons not to be. I don't think you have to worry about rape, and I doubt you'll see violence on the ship, but theft is something you need to watch out for.

  5. I have been on many cruises and have yet to see or hear of a crime committed while I was on any ship.  That's not to say that things do not happen, but its rare rather than the usual.  There are very few places on ship where people can be alone and do things that they do not want others to see.  If you go on a cruise you will have a cabin mate (all cabins sold double occupancy) so the chances of someone getting you in your cabin alone are mighty low, unless you decide that you want to take them there alone.

    You cannot do stuff that you would not do other places, like leave your wallet/purse or camera laying on a bar and walk off and leave it.  You have to protect your valuables the same way you would any other place, like in a hotel (which is what a crusie ship is ... a floating hotel).

  6. You do not have to worry about crimes aboard ships.  Especially a liner like the QMII is especially safe.  The only crime might be someone might take your library book from the deck chair you were using as a marker.

    The possibility of a rape or violent crime on the Queen Mary 2 is near 0%.  However, lock your cash and passport in your cabin safe.  Safeguard your "sail & sign" card like it is a debit card and key to your cabin.

    On land is a different story since some of the ports are high crime areas.  Be aware of your surroundings and do not go off alone.  Above all, do not get tipsy and miss the sailing of your ship.  They will not wait for you.

  7. I don't think there "a lot" of crimes on cruise ships.  But just like any town or city, you need to be sensible about what you do.

    For example, don't get drunk and go to some stranger's room with him; don't leave valuables lying around; etc.

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