
Are there a top secret underground alien bases,...?

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  1. Of course there isYou don't think the government actually spends $10,000 on a toilet seat, do you?

  2. Unlikely but it is possible.

  3. I have been hearing about them for years since the early 90's.    I used to attend UFO Conventions & that is where I had first heard about it.   I have never seen them but I am sure they could exist.

  4. There are many secret alien bases.One of the biggest is near a town called dulce in new mexico.Its a very secret base.Some of the towns citizens like the mayor and certain police officers are getting bribes from the goverment to help keep the base safe and report any strangers in town asking about the secret base.Many people beleive there are entrences to the base via the a towns elevator systerms.One elevator go deeper than most people think.Proberly the one in town hall or police department.

  5. yes your home

  6. well I don't know any,sorry search  the web and you will find something.

  7. have you been to McDonalds?

  8. Yes.  They are hidden on the backside of the moon, the side we never see (except with flyby spacecraft).

  9. You know I can't lie, even if I look like a fool. But, that's what they intended anyway. President Dwight Eisenhower and one high up in the Vatican along with the rest of his delegation, met with an alien delegation. Deals were struck. Things have gotten a little out of hand since then. The one from the Vatican was sworn to secrecy, even to keep it from the Pope. A week or 2 later, this Vatican man went back to the Vatican and told the Pope. Things really started jumping after that. They were worried about being able to keep Catholicism alive if word of the aliens got out. They look mostly like us, humanoid.

    And, yes, they have underground bases all over the world.

    Love your avatar!

  10. If I could answer that, they wouldn't be top secret, would they?


    Squirt - Wow!! One of the most interesting posts I've ever read.  It doesn't even matter if you made it up, if you really believe it, or if it is the truth.  Wow!

  11. Well that is what is so wonderful about National Security and Top Secret classifications you can hide anything you don't want the public to see from your own tax records to aliens, to new jet fighters, and anything else you deem as part of national security.

    I just don't understand why we don't stop calling all the people with conspiracy theories (they are called that because there is no proof) crazy and start asking why it is we as citizens aren't allowed to find out if there is evidence for any of the claims.


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