
Are there adults with pdd who become sucessful in life, and who.?

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Are there adults with pdd who become sucessful in life, and who.?




  1. Microsoft CEO Bill Gates says that he is on the spectrum, I believe.

    I also had a special education professor that had an Asperger's diagnosis.  I think he was recently promoted to the Special Education Chair.  Not someone wildly entertaining, but has a good career and a nice family.

  2. yes  

    Donna Williams

    Temple Grandin

  3. If you mean the actual diagnosis of PDD NOS instead of ASD I don't know.

    Adults on the spectrum were/are Einstein, Bill Gates, Albert from Little House on the Prarie (Matthew Laborteaux), Andy Kaufman (comedian), Orson Wells, Edison (rpobably), Da Vinci (probably), Vincient D'Onofrio, Crispin Glover, Dylan Pierce, James Williams, Marty Murphy, Temple Grandin, Peter Tork, John Elder Robison, Sean Barrons, Bob Dylan, Van Gogh (probably), Andy Warhol, Jonathon Swift (probably), Arthur Conon Doyle (probably), Padraig Pierce, Tony Attwood, Amanda Baggs, Mark Twain (possibly), Jim Henson, Bobby Fisher, Keanu Reeves, Darryl Hannah, Sue Rubin, Dan Akroyd (may have been joking but will not confirm), Liane Holliday Wiley, Jerry and Merry Newport,  Doug Flutie Jr., Thomas Jefferson, Steven Spielberg (probably) Howard Huges.

    The list goes on and one. Whether they had PDD NOS, Autism, HFA, Aspergers etc is not always clear but many are confirmed on the spectrum.

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