
Are there after-life differences between man-made GW believers and man-made GW skeptics?

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Are there after-life differences between man-made GW believers and man-made GW skeptics?




  1. Well when I'm dead I guess what I believe won't make much difference, from cow fatulance (but I guess the millions of buffalo didn't f**t) to the fact that when they started saying it's man's fault, why is it the temp was rising before the industrial age started? Why is the US and other countries having the coldest winters on record? Could the earths slight tendancy to wobble a bit have anything to do with it? Does the fact that scientists have shown this to happen about every 100,000 yrs. even to killing everything in australia? What happened to the ozone scare, the next ice age? I myself think it's a conspiricy to get everyone to get used to the idea it's all our fault when gas gets to 5.00 a gal, even though the oil producers are showing billions in profits, and last, people in the last 50 years look at the earths population and what it is today, we can go green or whatever but if it is man's fault China, Mexico, and the soviet union will out do us in spades.

  2. Yes, Alarmists believe Hades is exothermic, Gainsayers believe its endothermic.

  3. I was going to give you a smart-aleck answer and say:

    “I spoke with God and he told me that impertinence is not a sin, so the AGW believers can be forgiven.”

    But then I thought maybe you were seeking a serious answer, so I’ll give a better one. Please people, these are just generalizations, I’m not picking on anyone. These are just my observations.

    Theists believe that their God is a distinct and separate entity that expects to be revered and worshipped above all else. Thus he would be insulted if people worship anything less than himself - whether lesser gods or material things or whatever. They believe in an afterlife either in heaven or on a paradise earth. Or complete separation from God if you're not a beleiver. There seems to be some correlation between theists and AGW disbelief – although not all.

    Pantheists believe that God is in everything, and everything is a part of God, so they revere everything. By extension if you believe God is in everything – including the earth – you will worship and revere it. Pantheists typically believe in reincarnation and repeated life cycles, so the afterlife to them is just another trip around. I suspect that some - perhaps many -  environmentalists lean this way, whether consciously or not.

    Atheists do not believe in a God of any kind, and generally do not believe in an afterlife. Thus the earth and this immediate life is all there is and all they have. They don’t really ‘worship’ anything per se, but do tend to embrace certain principles evident in the universe. There seems to be a noticeable correlation of AGW believers and atheism – although not all.

    So my answer is that a person's stand on science issues is pretty much irrelevant to their eternal destination. Their belief system will determine where/how/if they spend eternity.

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