
Are there air conditioners and drinking fountains in h**l?

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Are there air conditioners and drinking fountains in h**l?




  1. Satan will tell you yes.

  2. Read what this man found:

  3. No, but there is a Beer Volcano and a Stripper Factory.

  4. Yes. But the air conditioners blow scalding hot air and the drinking fountains shoot out lava.

    It's h**l. What do you expect? ;)

  5. No !

    h**l = Grave



  6. Yes, because h**l is anywhere where someone believes in it. I could not imagine thinking there was a place where people would suffer such a fate. Anyone that actually thinks there is a place like that, ought to be scared out of their wits. I feel sorry for them.

  7. Nope.  

  8. Due to its cold weather I don't think air conditioners and drinking fountains are too popular,specially in this time of the year (yeah, thats right, h**l is freezing over right now)

    so i say no, no air conditioners or drinking fountains in h**l

  9. Nope!  There is no h**l!

  10. Nope. But there is just about the best crowd of scientific minds, comedians and authors that have ever died.

  11. I am still baffled about the invention of "h**l"

    It isn't mentioned in the Old Testament and

    only shows up in the New Testament where it closely

    mimics an already existing Greek concept  of "Hades".

    Most likely it ended up in the New Testament because

    in order to make a "non-believer" fear the wrath of God

    it was easier to threaten them with a fate they are familiar with.

    Amazing how Christians build the Greek Underworld into

    h**l with so much more misery and torture and yuk...

    Good god - did all the perverts get together and let their

    imagination go wild?

  12. There is nothing at all in h**l.

    Imagine a bottomless pit with no light and no sound

    complete sensory deprivation

    That's you. For all eternity.

  13. depends on your vision of h**l but no one has been there soo no one knows

  14. I sure hope so cause thats where I'm going if for some strange reason it exists.

  15. Nope!

  16. Nope

  17. NO!  'Cause it is h**l!

  18. Nope, but there is a lake.

  19. No, and they don't serve breakfast there either.

  20. It is a hot hot place and souls suffer from extreme thirst.

    If you looking foward for comfort... Heaven's the way.

  21. air condition? Yes. Without any freon

    water fountain? Yes. But no water is connected. satan does not pay the water bill.

  22. Yeah, it's just not the way you think...

  23. LOL

    (the 4Hz Hum of the fans in air conditioners get on my nerves, and who ever invented drinking fountains, when cups do a perfectly reasonable job, SHOULD be sent to h**l)

  24. If there were the utilitity companies would be closed.

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