
Are there aliens in the area 51,does this sound believable,...?

by  |  earlier

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  1. normally they say the government is keeping it a secret and saying its just a weather balloon but from your source its very believable

  2. Oh yeah.

  3. Transmitting towers go out, radio stations have problems all the time.  Just because it happened to during that particular call doesn't give him any credibility.  If it had happened during a call about the "face" on Mars, people would say the government is trying to cover that up.  Ditto remote viewing, pychic forcasters, any subject on the show.  There is also the possibility that it was staged by the show itself.  I just don't see how the station could be taken out in the 3 minutes of the phone call, unless someone was keeping an eye out and in a constant state of readiness to end the broadcast of this particular station, which come on, I listen to Coast to Coast sometimes, but 98% of the stuff they have on there is absolutely ridiculous, and what they have that is real is called into doubt just because it is on the same program as the other foolish stuff.  Nobody is worried about what is reported on Coast to Coast, even if it were true.

    Edit: I thought about this for a bit today.  The call was from over ten years ago.  Where are these massive accidents that are supposed to kill vast quantities of people, making the rest of the population easier to deal with?  In 1997 the world population was about 5.85 billion.  Today, it is about 6.7 billion.  If these aliens are trying to decrease our numbers, they are sure taking their sweet time about it.

  4. I dont know, im not really a believer but saw this video a few months ago and its something i wont forget.

  5. Yes, there are aliens.  Just look in the mirror

  6. try Wright-Patterson for a start

    then other places, but not Groom Lake

  7. mmmm saw afew on my lara croft game there. ace that game have you done it . lady.#

  8. This is really laughable.  What a load of BS.  If this is real, it's a call into Coast to Coast--a radio show of, by and for believers in conspiracy theories and all things paranormal.  It sounds like someone did a good job of taking advantage of the credulity of the host and his audience.  The hoaxer probably still laughs about it.

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