
Are there an infinite number of prime pairs?

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A prime pair is a pair of prime numbers that differ by 2. e.g. 3 and 5, 5 and 7, 11 and 13, and 29 and 31.

Are there an infinite number of these prime pairs?




  1. Would you really trust an answer from someone who needed the term "prime pairs" explained?

    Infinite is a tricky concept in itself, and no one has yet created a sure method of generating all possible primes.  Current mathematical thinking does suggest that prime pairs continue to occur as the primes get larger.

  2. There has to be because there is an infinite number of numbers.

  3. It's an unsolved problem.  See link.  

  4. If you can prove that this, you can get probably get a chunk of cash and win great recognition!

    The twin prime conjecture states that there are in infinite number of such prime pairs but has yet to be solved.

    Your problem is unsolved.

  5. Twin prime conjecture, do your worst: obviously Y! Answers will be able to solve it, since it is UNSOLVED.

    Yeah, I think the general consensus is that it's true, but there's no proof yet.

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