
Are there any AA/ Interracial couples adopting asian children?

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I'm interested in adoption, and I was wondering if there were any AA or Interracial couples out there adopting Asian children. we are looking into domestic and international, but I want to know if any one has heard or read a story about blacks adopting from Asia. Thanks! Links and blogs would be much appreciated.





    i don't care what color you are.  please do not adopt.

  2. I don't know of any personally, but if you research Asian adoptions and talk to agencies, I'm sure you'll find something.  We adopted internationally (and transracially) and it's been an amazing experience.  

    Good luck!

  3. I don't think it would make a difference what colour you and your spouse are.  Either way it's an inter racial adoption.  White to asian or black to asian it should make no difference.

    My wife and I are white and we have adopted one East Indian and one North American Indian.  It's not as though we were able to do that because we were white and if we were black we would have been denied.

    I'm sorry I don't have any links or blogs to share but I would encourage you to treat your race as if it were a non-issue.  Lets face it, you are people first, trying to adopt a child...not a race.

  4. I don't have an answer, but I just wanted to commend you on your desire to adopt. Best of luck!

  5. There are some African American families that have adopted Asian children. Not a lot, but some.

    Unfortunately, the government agency in China that runs adoptions there has recently turned down several African American families with no real reasons given. Several U.S. agencies have protested this, but to no avail. There is reason to believe this is being caused by just one person. But, for now anyway, it seems that it will be very hard for African American families to adopt in China for a while.

    That  being said, there are other African American families that have adopted in China and in other Asian countries. There is even a Yahoo group for such families.

    You will see the group's address below:

  6. Thanks for wanting to help a little child in this world

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