
Are there any AGW skeptics who get irate with Christians who don't believe in evolution?

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...yet the same Christian isn't willing to learn anything at all about the science behind evolution?




  1. everyone is entitled to their opinion

  2. No--the two groups overlap almost 1-to-1. The so called-skeptics don't want to learn anything about global warming either.

    That being said--the so-called "Christians ' who claim the "don't believe" in evolution are mostly not real Christians--they are members of pseudo-Christian cults and/or political organizations masquerading as religious groups.

  3. ? what is AGW?

    I don't mind it when people don't believe in evolution.

    I do have to say that most Christians DO believe in evolution and believe that God is to be credited for it.

    BTW most scientists belive in God...

  4. I don't get irate over people that are ignorant of science as long as they don't profess to be an expert.  I am as sure that evolution is a fact as I am that the earth is not flat.  There may be little off-shoot theories such as punctuated equilibrium that I believe best explains the evidence that are a bit more controversial but it is not relevant to global warming.  I would liken global warming more closely with intelligent design.  In other words, a religious conviction (or political if you will) masquerading as science.

  5. Theory is the operative word -- although evolution is widely accepted -- the exact mechanism is NOT understood-- given another 100 years of genetic research I would believe that the theory will be altered from its present understanding. Notice you don't see any newspaper articles or evolutionists saying "it's a consensus" the "debate" is over.

  6. Wow very good parallel you should feel good about coming up with that.  But seriuosly there is a big difference evolution while still only a theory has many more facts supporting it.  and global warming still leaves people with more questions than answers

  7. Well there's the Emergent Theory, micro evolution, and of course macro. No... I don't get irate over something, that had to be decided with a court classification. They finally admitted it was a closed box theory. (No evidence could be presented), but I still believe in it. I do see quite a few alarmist get confused over Natural selection and evolution though. Yes there are distinctions, but you have to know the science to relate.

  8. Why do you believe that Christians don't learn anything about evolution?  Evolution is taught in school as part of the science curriculum.

  9. I don't get irate over people who don't believe in evolution because it honestly doesn't effect me.  The answer to the evolution question won't make a difference in anyone's life.  We came from apes, we didn't - doesn't matter in the end.

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