
Are there any African restaurants in Mainz?

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I love African food, but can't find any African restaurants in Mainz. Does anybody know of any in Mainz or across the river in Wiesbaden?




  1. No, not in Mainz, but in Frankfurt.

    The "Standcafe"

    Koselstraße 46

    Frankfurt, HE 60318 Germany

    Specializing in simple North African cuisine, Strandcafe Beach Cafe is popular with students and arty-types.

    African Queen Restaurant

    Stuttgarter Straße 21

    60329 Frankfurt

    Located near Baseler Platz (at the Hauptbahnhof)

    Ambassel Restaurant

    Deutschherrnufer 28

    60594 Frankfurt

    this on is Ethiopian

    Horn of Africa Restaurant

    Schloßstraße 5

    60486 Frankfurt

    Im Herzen Afrikas

    Gutleutstraße 13

    60329 Frankfurt

    Merkatto Restaurant

    Klingerstraße 9

    60313 Frankfurt

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