
Are there any Americans here in Germany that took the required language class?

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I am in a required govt. class, and know there is a test at the end of 6 months.

What is a passing score, and if I don´t pass, will they kick me out of Germany?




  1. If I am not wrong you are married to a German.  You will not be kicked out of Germany as you are the wife to a German and in this case the rules are quite different.

    However the inmigration authority needs to know if you have an adequate command of the German language (or at least a minimum knowledge of German language).

    Passing the test could be important to get an unlimited settlement permit. As wife to a German citizen you get first a limited residence permit for two or three years. When this time is due, you normally apply for the unlimited settlement permit or for the German citizenship.  

    If your German language knowlege is not enough they probably  will deny to issue the settlement and give you instead just a limited residence permit (1 - 2 years) that you will have to renewal each year or each two years until you prove having good German Language skills.

    It is not 100% sure that they will deny the settlement permit,  it is only a possibility. As I said the rules for wives or husbands to german citizens are different.


    Ahhh I had almost forgotten. About the scores: The German system hat an scala from 1 to 6:  1 ist your best score and 6 ist the worst one. Normally you pass a test if you get at least an score of 4.

  2. 100000nds of Turks have been living here  all their life and wouldn´t pass the test...So why should they kick you out?And I assume you don´t live on crime and welfare as many of them do...So the answer is no!

    Although I think if somebody wants to live in a country for a longer period of time,it helps to be able to speak the language...

  3. What if you don't pass? Well, you'll repeat it. Once failed is not a tragedy, twice is worse, and third time, you're out, but you're still allowed to stay. Just don't get nervous. I passed my advanced course of English at school with 14/15, and I passed the TOEFL (test of English as a foreign language) at university as well, although I keep making mistakes when writing in English. But what the heck? I'm expressing myself, and that's what language is all about.

    What if I went to the US? Would they like me? Sure not. I'd be an immigrant, and would have to face the same problems all immigrants have to cope with.

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