
Are there any Aries out there who don't easily get mad?

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I don't believe in the astrological signs thing that much, but... my husband is an Aries and I am Sagittarius. Anything you read about Aries is they are quick to anger and get upset easily. Sadly, this is SO true in my hubby's case. I know 4 other Aries and they are the EXACT same way!

My problem is, I think we are going to have an Aries baby and I am worried. It's silly, I know. I am just wondering if there are some Aries who are soft, gentle and nonconfrontational. Thanks!




  1. Hi.

    My husband is Aries and yes he get angry very quickly.

    But why are you worried about your baby?All what matters is that he/she is healthy.

  2. I rarely get mad at all. I am a Aries.

  3. im an aries and im dont get very easily mad

  4. nope... on the good side at least aries get over things fast.

  5. I used to get mad really fast as a child. I now understand what is petty and what I define as worth fighting for. So I seem pretty laid back to most people, however, those that know me know I will not stand for someones bullsh'!

    There is more to the personality of your future son/ daughter than the sun sign.

    Aries is a sign of Energy and Action. It adds momentum to the other signs that will be in your child's chart. It will add speed to their thinking. Drive to try to bring his/ her dreams to fruition.

    You will affirm your childs natural point of view by how you choose to raise them and their experience in life. Show the child ways to handle anger constructively. Help the child to not be selfish by showing that child that there are people in the world less fortunate than themselves. Teach them the joy of giving. All these things will help add dimension to their perception.Then there's also the environment you raise the child in and their own free will.

    We are not slaves to our charts or our passions for that matter.

  6. I'm an Aries and I have my moon in Taurus (known as an easy going, emotionally mellow moon sign) im not that easily angered.

  7. I have my moon in Aries and I'm extremely slow to anger and impatience is completely absurd. It's probably my Libra rising. But when I do get angry, there will be knives dug into the wall.

    If s/he will be born on an Aries/Pisces cusp, s/he will less likely be quick to anger and will be very compassionate and kind.

    Edit: S/he'd have to be born between the dates of March 20 - March 27.

  8. I am a Sagittarius and married to a Gemini, but I adore Aries people.  They are so up front with everything.  You know exactly where they stand on how they feel about you and other issues - no hidden agendas.  It is just so refreshing to me.  Okay, they can be a little testy and don't back down from a fight, but is that really a bad thing.  Well, I don't like to generalize, but if there is a strong Aries influence in the chart,  these qualities will be more apparent.  You will have to look at the whole natal chart to see how the Aries influence will be toned down.

  9. I am an Aries and yes anger very easily.

  10. I've never seen an Arian who was slow to anger.

  11. There totally are!!  I mean I am not one of them:-))) but then again I am not Aries---hehehe

    Ummm....I know some Aries that are rather laid back and it takes a lot to get them angry.  In fact, one of them I've known for over a year, and I have yet to see him angry ever.  

    People are more than just their sun sign....maybe my friend has a lot of earth (Taurus) or air so that he takes things in stride.

    It will depend on the other aspects in the chart to say for sure.

    Good luck!!

    Sun: Sadge

    Moon: Leo

  12. I know 3 Aries and they are the same, very easily angered... sorry!

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