
Are there any Belgian Shepherd Breeders in near Brussels, Belgium?

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I've rasied two Belgian Terverans from pups - #1 (Gent) was put down at age 12 and the one I have now (Major) is almost 9 years old. Also, I have an all Black Belgian Malinois as my police K-9 partner who came from Germany. Plus, I'm going to Brussels for 11 days and would like to go and visit a breeder farm or kennel to check out the Belgian Shepherds.... are there any?




  1. No they are all around Mechelen LOL. Seriously go  to http// and you will find a lot of info about malinois breeding and breeders. And even if the farms are not near Brussels remember that Belgium is so small that you can come and go to any city in one day.By the way , the correct name of the annimals you raised is Tervueren breed. All the best.

  2. Check out the "Société Royale Saint-Hubert" they have a list with official breeders of Belgian dog breeds.

    Our pure bred Belgian Malinois dog (which by the way is not supposed to be all black) came from "l'élevage du Maugré " near Charleroi because there wasn't one in the Brussels area. Charleroi is only +- 30 minutes drive from Brussels.

    Sorry I can't give you the contact of either one as I am not in Belgium for the moment.

    Tervueren, Malinois, Groenendaal and Laekenois are the 4 pure bred Belgian sheperd dogs.

    Malinois dogs are THE most intelligent and smartest dogs.:)

    The Société Royale Saint-Hubert (Société Royale Saint Hubert, Belgium = website) will only recommend SERIOUS breeders of pure bred dogs.

    I wish you luck. Hope you find what you are looking for.

    P.S. If you need more info, just post your question here and I'll try to answer it.

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