
Are there any Catholics who don't consider themselves Christians?

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Just wondering because I got a whiff of eau du troll and wanted to confirm it.




  1. My Roman Catholic fiance has honestly asked me what the difference is between Catholics and Christians. She grew up in the Philippines though, and I blame this little bit of confusion on the fact that English is not her first language (I really don't know what else to blame it on).

  2. Is there a difference between Christians and Roman Catholics?

    Well then let's see what the dictionary says about that.......

    Main Entry: Christian

    a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ

    Main Entry: Roman Catholic

    of, relating to, or being a Christian church having a hierarchy of priests and bishops under the pope, a liturgy centered in the Mass, veneration of the Virgin Mary and saints, clerical celibacy, and a body of dogma including transubstantiation and papal infallibility

        Note! (all of the above are not the teachings of Jesus Christ)

    hmmmm,  makes you wonder.

  3. Yes, I am a Catholic Christian.  

    When asked what church they belong to, most Catholics will say "I am Catholic" rather that "I am Christian".  Most reasonable people understand that Catholicism is a form of Christianity.  By saying "I am Catholic", I am giving you more information than if I merely say "I am Christian"

    If I tell you "I am a Texan", am I saying that I am not an American?  I think not.

    Yes, Frankie, it does make me wonder.  It makes me wonder if you are so prejudiced that you do not even accept your own post that state that a Roman Catholic Church is a Christian church.

  4. i consider myself both

  5. Um, well I'm Catholic, and I do consider myself Christian because I am. But I'm not so sure about others thoughts

  6. That's like asking Sunnis if they don't consider themselves Muslims.

    Catholics are the largest denomination of Christians.

  7. I'll answer your question this way.The word Christian original meaning was one who is like Christ.So Christianity would mean people who are Christ like. I'm Catholic and our Priest are Christ like or imitators and followers of Christ as they follow his commandment where Christ said to his Apostles as the Father has sent me now i send you. So my answer is i try to be as Christ and his Church would want me to be.

  8. No, there are no people who consider themselves Catholic but not Christian.  Catholicism fought for the better part of 2000 years to be the one authentic voice of Christianity.  Christianity is absolutely essential for Catholicism.

  9. There is a troll on here who claims that Catholicism is a false religion and that Catholics are not Christians, he of course is just a troll and should not be taken seriously.  Catholics are Christians, there is no question about that.

  10. Hello,

    No none that I know and that is quite a few.


    Michael Kelly

  11. Where do you think Christianity came from?  We were the first Christians.

  12. Theologically, Roman Catholicism is a sect of the greater whole of Christianity.  

    Socially speaking, it is very common for Catholics to consider "Christians" to be of the Protestant and other divergent denominations.  This is because when someone asks a Catholic what religion they are, they will say Roman Catholic, not Christian, which is the answer given by someone of a Protestant denomination.  This obviously isn't across the board, but its something I have particularly noticed of Catholics myself.


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