
Are there any Christians out there who think that we are NOT in the End Times?

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Honestly, I am getting tired of everyone saying we are in the End Times! Ever since Christianity was created, people have been saying that we are in the End Times!




  1. The End Times began when the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost.

  2. Sorry but I believe we are.  The bible doesn't give dates but it does give descriptions of the last days.  Wars that reach all over the earth ( WW1, WW2), also food shortages, earthquakes, etc...  

  3. It also says that we SHOULD know the season and one of the signs is the return of the Jews to Israel and Jerusalem. They happened in 1948 and 1957, signalling the end of the time of the Gentiles. There is only one more time after this and that is the end times, and why do some Christians NOT want the end times, do they not realize how glorious that day will be?

  4. Well out it this way.If you turn on CNN what do you see? DEATH,CHAOS,NEVER ENDING! Well yes things have gotten worse.We don't know when and how the end will happen.But as for now h**l it looks like the way things are going we're going to destroy our own world.Not to mention the dangerous weather changes lately..

  5. Yeah same here, nobody really understands the true meaning of "The End Times"  and frankly, I'm fed up of hearing it too.

  6. Are you a born again Christian?  I haven't met one who doesn't think we aren't in the end times.  Scripture is lining up with current events.  That has not been occurring for 2000 years.

    Consider this:  Jesus' parable of the fig tree.  70 years after Christ, the temple was destroyed.  The nation of Israel was reformed in 1948.  Daniel speaks of 70 weeks (years?).  I believe Scripture speaks of a 7 year tribulation (1948 plus 63 years?).  Some interesting math to do there.

    Added:  Have you read the Bible, in its entirety?  Yes, the Bible says no man can know the day nor the hour.  BUT are you aware of all the Scripture in the Bible about these events?  TONS.  Why do you suppose it's there?  Why do you suppose we are told to watch and pray?  First of all, make sure your faith is in Jesus alone.   Ezekiel, Daniel, Matthew, II Thessalonians and Revelation all speak of these events, plus, there is more sprinkled throughout.

  7. i hearde this and idk but i hope not

  8. That's true but this time we are. I mean it.

  9. nope just you

  10. Times is never ending in science, so why should that not apply to religion. It is never ending, I will die one day, and so will we all without a single exception, but time goes on, and on, and on, and on.  

  11. Every generation since Jesus had probably thought we were in the End Times.

    Prophecy is just that--prophecy.  Humans do not know what prophecy means until it is fulfilled.  While we may fit some characteristics of the End of Times(wars and rumors of wars etc) it could be like that for ANOTHER 2000 years before Jesus comes.

  12. The end times have been going on for over two thousand years. Sholdn't it be called the endless end  of times?

  13. Yes I am, and we're NOT at the end of times.  I don't buy that at all.  It's a pretty screwed up time, though.  But, history doesn't have much better to offer, does it?  

    Enjoy the ride as best you can -- while doing the right things -- in the face of a h**l of a lot of temptation and false promises.

    That's one heck of a amazing test of character.   I have to assume that this is what's it's all about.

  14. i am a christian and i can honestly say i don't know if we are in the end times, only god knows, that is what i believe  

  15. Actually, ever since Jesus went up to heaven the 1st time, the people that then that Second Coming would be in their lifetime. Boy, were they wronge. I'm a Christian, and I do believe the end times are here. But of course I don't know. I'm only baseing my reasons on facts.

  16. The Riders have been busy these past few years, the world is on the brink of the biggest war that this planet has ever experienced even before history was recorded, beast worship is rampant throughout the world and those that follow the True G-D are ridiculed and persecuted and murdered.

    Man has new gods to worship now, politics, greed, power, science, envy, hatred, spite, s*x and ambition and have no place for G-D in their world, this is why we are even having an end time, to clear the slate, get rid of all of the crapp and start again.

    Bring it on, I'll fight for G-D and Israel and her allies. G-D ROCKS,  

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