
Are there any Columbus Ohio Farms that sell raw milk or organic meats? Where can I get this stuff?

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Also if anyone knows any good organic coupon sources I would love to know.




  1. I live in OHIO. Unless there is a tiny farm that I don't know about Young's Dairy and everyone else is not selling raw milk. I don't know about the law but the threat of a good law suit seems to make any business not sell it.

    Edited to add: It actually is illegal to sell raw milk in the state of Ohio.

  2. its against the law to sell raw milk, it has to be pasteurized...

  3. I live in Ohio and I am a member of a herd share near Middletown where I get my raw milk. There are several raw milk dairies in Ohio despite Young's getting out of the raw milk biz and into the overpriced mediocre food restaurant biz. there is an Ohio weston price yahoo group that has people who would know.

    Also has a listing of all the raw dairies in the USA or will get you contact info for local organic/grass fed meat in the Columbus area. OEFFA is located in Columbus.

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