
Are there any Cork people out there, like?

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Are there any Cork people out there, like?




  1. Nope, sunny County Antrim here

  2. I'm from Cork & luv it lik =]=]

  3. I know people in Cork like! It's a grand place like! Like do you know what I mean like?

  4. I certainly am biy!!! I live in Douglas but originally i am from up the North side

  5. My heart an soul are Cork but I'm "adopted". I'm originally from Italy.

  6. No, I'm from Donegal like.

  7. I am originally from Cork. Lovely place but I married a Donegal man and I am now living in Donegal. I still go to Cork for holidays.

  8. I wish I was in Cork and I'm getting pisse'd on Guinness in a Bantry pub (in spirit), does that count?

  9. My Dad but he's actually on the border of tipp and cork so i wind the cultchie b*****d up about this and say your from tipp really aren't you you cultchie t**t

  10. I'm from Quirk.

    I work on the South Mall. I love sailing during Ford Cork Week, sipping G&T's with the boss and going for drives up to Montenotte. Sure isn't it marvellous!

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