
Are there any Democrats there are now voting for Mccain?

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Is there any Democrats that have switched there vote over to Mccain b/c of his choice in a awesome V.P (Sarah Palin)???

I am just wondering

I don't want rude comments I just wanted to know...... if your going to be mean don't answer.

I am also a Republican.




  1. Yes.

    I was unhappy with Obama's choice of Biden and his stiffing of Hilalry.

    I am very happy that McCain has chosen the candidate he has.

    He has my support this year .... as he has demonstrated he has one thing Obama lacks .... A BRAIN!

  2. I don't believe there is.

    I am independent, and I don't vote, but I hate McCain and am a staunch defender of Obama. I also dabble in cracking on McPain.

  3. Absolutely not, I will be voting for Obama

  4. I personally have been supporting 'McKing' from the beginning and even more so now that he has selected Sarah Palin for his VP, which a lot of people don't understand but will in the long run.  However, I am personally acquainted with several ex obamabots that were caught up in the obamamania until Biden was selected VP. Now they're McKing supporters too! NObama! McKing for prez!  

  5. Only the ones that were Repugs to begin with.

  6. Not any intelligent ones.

  7. I'm a democrat voteing for McCain, but I'm not voteing for him simply on the choice of his VP. Although I like Sarah Palin a great deal as a leader Its not one of the things that really matter to me in a presidential election (although I understand its importants)

  8. If they're voting for McCain, then they're not Democrats.  And calling Sarah Palin awesome is like calling Alex Rodriguez a clutch hitter.  And this is coming from a Yankee fan.

  9. Dread and Michael, your ignorance is showing. If you think some true members of both parties arent voting for the other party's candidate, you dont know how people think in general. You cant have 120 million people in one group all voting for the same person. Some democrats will disagree with Obama on several points, and decide to go McCain. Same for McCain and the Republicans.

    And calling us "Repugs" shows how ignorant you really are. Resorting to random name calling to get at us? Pathetic.

    Anyway, I know a few people who are now supporting McCain because of this.

  10. Republican voting for Obama.

  11. Doesn't impress me.  Doesn't impress my wife.  Who is Sarah Palin?

  12. h**l NO

  13. Yeah, I'm going to vote McCain because he chose someone from Bumf **K, Alaska to be his VP.  You must be more senile than the "maverick"!

  14. Nope, not swayed one bit.  I just hope that the next time Mrs. Palin in  on tv with her family  that she  puts sock or shoes on her infant's feet.  That was really low class and trashy looking.  

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