
Are there any DnD players in shaw/oldham ?

by  |  earlier

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Im looking to start playing DnD,

looking for someone in the oldham area to help explain the game and maybe play a few games.

Reply if interested :)




  1. Yes, as a matter of fact there are.

  2. DnD ?

    i wont call you anything , my house overlooks shaw !  small world

  3. Yep, duplicate question, duplicate answer, feel free to give me ten points twice!

    Here is a link to a UK-based forum where you can look for/ask for players and clubs in your area:

    It's a great time to be getting into the game, with the new edition just out. Lots of ex-gamers are coming out of the woodwork wanting to give 4th edition a try. I would say you have a good chance at getting in at the start of a new campaign - and right now, nobody knows the rules much better than you do!

    If the forum doesn't help, do you have a local gaming store (e.g. where you bought the books if it wasn't off the internet)? It may be worth seeing if they have a noticeboard, or even if they run games on a Saturday afternoon.

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