
Are there any FUN ways to do community service? Besides the whole pick up trash at the park thing?

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My friends and i are looking for ways to do FUN community service for our school but we need FUN ways besides picking up garbage. Is that way to do community service?




  1. Volunteer at a thrift shop; first crack at all the "new" stuff. Or work with kids; they're always fun.

  2. voluntee at nursing homes, paint their fingernails, do their hair, play games, read to them, just sit and talk...I guarantee once you go you will continue...give it a chance

  3. Yes, you can go to a nursing home and read or just talk to the people in the nursing home.  You could volunteer at a hospital and visit patients and read and help someone feel better when they are sick.

  4. Of course! You can be creative in doing community service and have fun! Aside from the advices given by "swimbaby...", I recommend the following:

    1. Events or programs for children

    - insert games

    - give them chance to express themselves through art

    - allow them to show their talents (singing, dancing, acting, etc...)

    2. Concerts for a cause

    3. Advocacy (environment, women's rights, animal protection, etc..) through campaign

    - parade

    - campaign/rally

    - contests (quiz, slogan-making, poster-making, etc...)

    4. Tree-planting (you will enjoy in mountain-climbing, and communing with nature)

    5. Visit to Boy's towns, Cultural Minority Groups, Women's Desk, Mental Hospital, Social Welfare Development Centers

    6. Tie-up with different non-government organizations to have a better opportunity to serve the underprivileged and plan activities for them

    And most of all, you will only have fun and fulfillment if you LOVE what you are doing - volunteering as agents of change.

  5. helping with little kids is ALWAYS fun. you can go to a homeless coalition or a day care or something.

  6. Yes!! You can do community service at any non profit organization.

    At places such as: Boys and Girls club, Big Brothers Big Sisters, school, private school, soup kitchen, any church, ronald mcdonald house, hospital, foundations, library, summer camps, goodwill, salvation army,  human society, local food pantry and many more!! I hope this helps you!

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