
Are there any GUARANTEED investments right now that pay MORE than CDs (Certificate of Deposits)?

by Guest58621  |  earlier

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with interest rates on CDs being so low, i'm looking for an alternative safe investment vehicle (will need the cash in the next couple of years) where i can earn a decent return





  1. Well I would suggest you mutual funds and shares right now beacause they are cheap now. Plus the liquidity factor allows a great option .

  2. all guarantees have risks.  consider junk bonds if you trust the companies.

    good luck.

  3. If you want higher return for your money, go for corporate bonds, junk bonds, short term notes. The more risk you can take, the higher the return you will get.

    You might also want to look into

    Also, an independent financial advisor may have other types of investment that may suit your needs.

    Good luck!

    - Jim Syyap, Managed Forex Accounts

  4. the closest you'll get are government securities such as t-bills or agency bonds,

    but, annuities are a good investment.  if teh issuing insurance company happens to go bankrupt, the state insurance commission will take over and assign the annuity to another insurance company, with a small haircut taken off of it.  

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