
Are there any Hillary supporters who are not going to vote Obama?

by Guest11085  |  earlier

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Only voters who voted Hillary in the primaries, but are not going to vote for Obama please answer.

Answer me this what is so different about Obama and Hillary's policies?

I've done some researching, and I could only find very microscopic differences on Health Care other than that none. So why the resentment. Both candidates were going to follow Bill Clinton's model of democracy.Obama's just a player in the game misogyny was apparent, but get mad at the referee not the player in the game.




  1. As I'm from Illinois and did not vote for Obama when he ran here in Illinois and I refuse to vote for him now. My vote goes to McCain.

    Obama is nothing but a scammer, just keep researching him and really look at who he calls friends and business partners. Tony Rizzo is on his way to prison, look at his pastor for 20 yrs. who is against America and the whites and you still want this person as President not me.

  2. I am not voting Obama, and supported Hillary (and still do).

    I do not trust Obama. He reminds me of Richard Nixon, and his supporters remind me of mindless groupies.

    I am a moderate, and two liberals on the same ticket gives me absolutley no representation.

    On other hand, McCain may be from the other party, but he is a moderate.

    McCain's choice of Palin was an extremely good move.

    It shows he is willing to give many Hillary supporters what we wanted from the Democrat party, but the rookie Obama was not willing to give us.

    I will be voting McCain this year.

  3. here in the pacific northwest it seems that the ploy is not working-most women when asked say no way will they put an anti womens rights person male or female into the white house

  4. I can't believe I'm going to say this but Hillary was a far better candidate than Obama.

    I'm a conservative republican who was thrilled to see Obama nominated because he is so much easier to beat.  Hillary had a much better chance.

    She got screwed in the primaries big time!  Her supporters are mad because its so obvious that Obama had strings pulled for him.  The Dems will be sorry... in fact, they are already sorry...

    Its not the policies, its the presentation.  Hillary is experienced and ready to fight, Obama is learning as he goes and trying to be a pretty boy and likeable to everyone.  Should have gone with Hillary and the base, not some left winged radical socialist.  He makes McCain look center left.

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