
Are there any Hockey regulars out there that feel like retaliating?

by  |  earlier

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I'm pretty fed up with getting violation notices for answers to misplaced questions in the hockey section. Today I was violated for simply pointing out that the askee had the wrong section. And I was nice about it too. This is ridiculous! If Y!A refuses to do something about the amount of misplaced questions in this section, I say we inundate them with violation reports. For every misplaced question, report it. My hope is that if enough of us b*tch about it, they will fix the problem, or at least start violating the ASKER of the questions for posting them in the wrong section, instead of the answerees. Instead of answering any misplaced questions, report it. I tell them 'this question is spam and doesn't belong in the hockey section'.

Any other takers of this idea???

So I don't get violated for not posting a hockey question: What was the best hockey game you ever witnessed in your life, whether on TV or actually at the game, that still makes you smile every time you think about it?




  1. I was violated too but for different reasons.Never ask your "Bi-Friend" to get you a drink because who knows if he slips a Mickey in it.I woke up and I was nekked and felt dirty and sick.....I sure hope he calls me again.LOL

    We have b*tched aboot it and still nothing.I have reported questions but they still come back.

    USA beating the Russians was pretty sweet.

  2. I got a violation for posting this link, which kindly points out that they posted in the wrong section:

    Best game I've ever been to was Game 5 of the ECF this past year.

    Nothing puts a smile on my face like ending the Flyers season.

  3. Join the club. I got two violations a week or two ago for politely pointing out to people about the "&" symbol issue. Yahoo! claimed it "wasn't an answer". I was so ticked off. I don't know if it is a good idea but if I were you I'd give it a little more thought once you get over your violations because when I got mine I was upset and I felt like reporting those questions and it might not be such a good idea after all.

    hockey question: there were some really great games back in the 90's between the Wings and the Avalanche but I can't clearly remember any one game because I was pretty young then.

  4. not a good idea. The best think to do it just ignore them. If you report all of them then they wont listen to you. If you dont answer they're question and just tell them they placed it in the wrong category then you get reported.

    The best game i everd watched was the game with the sens-sabers brawl. high scoring and an amazing fights.

  5. It is actually a violation to ask a Question in the wrong section! Read the Rules! So just report it and use.. "Asked in the Wrong Section" It will get removed if 2 or 3 people report it.

  6. Everyone: If it is a hockey question. enter the word HOCKEY and then ask the question.


    HOCKEY: Who will win the scoring title for the 08-09 NHL season?

    Ignore all others.  Problem is a lot of these misplaced questions are answered when they appear in the Home section with All Categories.

  7. My favorite game last season was the one in the playoffs against the Sharks where the Flames came back from a huge deficit, just after Sarich demolished Marleau.

  8. any Canada vs. Russia/USA game is interesting whether its in the olympics or world juniors. As far as NHL games go the playoffs a few years back when Pittsburgh and Philadelphia went into 5 overtimes that was insane.

  9. I love all my Red Wings games, but the one that had me on the edge of my seat was actually Nashville v St Louis, as Nashville clawed their way into the last playoffs.  It was inspiring to see a team want to win that much, against a team that had nothing to lose but the game.

    Just be kind to the folk whose questions get dumped here - it's mostly not their fault, other than lazy typing, and the ones that do it just to annoy people will find a way to do that anyway.  If you don't want to actually answer their questions, you can just ignore them.

    I agree that YA really need to get their finger out to solve this, but our whinging about it doesn't seem to have helped, and I've never had a response to the 'suggestion' thread.  I just hope that in the next slice of 'updates' they do, they will have a fix included.  May it be very soon.

  10. RAMO





    don't bother answering them, you're just giving the trolls something they can report. I read the rules too to see if it was a violation or not. I've just gotten sick of these questions. My thinking is if you can't take 5 seconds of your time to put your question in the proper place, or delete it after you realize your mistake and intentionally leave it in the hockey section, you deserve to be reported.

    ****LMFAO bkulikow_99

  11. I was violated to a question in the hockey section about the esophagus just yesterday, so i appeaked writing to them that they need to violate the people who ask non-hockey questions and they said they'll look into it, but it seemed like a default message

  12. I constantly report wrong-section questions that appear here.  Hopefully Yahoo will get so many reports that it will become overwhelming and they'll eventually do something about it.

    It's gotten to a point where it's just not worth the effort to answer every question with "Put this in the right section."  Plus sometimes it's not even the asker's fault.  One would think if you ask something like "Can you help me with my AT&T phone?" it will automatically go in the phone section.  Just report the question, let Yahoo deal with it, and move on.

  13. what bothers me, is people here are actually starting to answer the questions that aren't hockey related... that's not helping the cause.

    i've reported most of the non-hockey related questions, but they just stay on the site because it seems nobody is reporting? i dunno. i want the problem fixed before October 4th, or i'm making a cult.

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