
Are there any Indians who can play a sport other than cricket on a world-class level?

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I know there's one tennis female, good-looking, who does ok until she gets into the later rounds of tournaments, but other than that...can any Indian make it as a rugby player, sprinter, boxer, or anything that involves strength and/or speed? Probably not or else they'd be doing it, but just thought I'd ask.




  1. CC Sabathia, Grady Sizemore, Victor Martinez, Cliff Lee, Travis Hafner.

    I could name many more but the site is listed below.

  2. The tennis playing girl your talking about is Sania Mirza.

  3. NO!!! Absolutley no. the only sport that they are good at is cricket and can i say that they are d**n good at it

  4. chess vishwanath anand

    butia      football

  5. There was a F1 Indian Driver  for Jordan and Test Driver for Williams F1 but now races for A1GP

    To neo: ...Seriously Just don't

  6. no

  7. no i completely disagree with you ,we have lot of good rugby players ,most of indians play football and are good at that

    the reason not suceeding at the top level is due to funding ,all the mney is cricket only

    btw i don't know why u hate indians so much ,indians are bettr and so we will still respect u ,cuz we are not like you ,we are better

  8. well india is very good at hockey and cricket. cricket is probaly the most hardest game to play because of the skills and mental and physical challenges it hold with stamina being the key. Indians are more skillful, like chinease, and are the second cleverest race after chinease.

  9. Well i am not an Indian I am from Bangladesh I can tell you Vishanathon Annond who is a top chess player in the the world and won some prestigious tournaments as an Indian.

  10. LMFAO at neo "We have a lot of good rugby players"

    Sure pal....... FYI, I've played rugby for over 30 years and have never even SEEN an indian rugby player, let alone a decent one!!! Did india enter a team in the qualifying tournaments for the last rugby world cup?? What about football? Has india ever played in a world cup??

    When was the last time india won an individual gold medal at the Olympics? OK, you have a decent hockey team, but they didn't even qualify for Beijing!!!

    What have Ian Thorpe (Aussie swimmer) and india got in common?

    They both won 4 gold medals at a single Olympic games.

    Ha ha ha ha ha

    Imagine that - one Australian can win as many gold medals as a nation of 1.2 billion!!!!

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