
Are there any Italians, that actually like the [Euro, Fifa] Italy team?

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Me honestly, I don't really care all that much for them. I'm more of a Portugal fan. Opinions?




  1. yes

  2. They are good at diving during the game, ask Totti about it

  3. matterazzi is g*y and overrated! not a fan of the italian team. although i do like luca toni.

  4. Yes! I am Italian and I love the Italian National Team! FORZA AZZURRI! I do not understand how someone could be Italian and not like or like another team besides Italy. The Italian National Team is so talented and gifted and we have some get up and coming young talent that will secure Italy for their future in football, like Giovinco, Rossi, and Montolivo. Four-time World Champions! We're going to defend our title in South Africa in 2010!  

  5. an italian portuguese fan? thats something u dont hear every day

    and yes im italian and i love my team to death.

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